LTO 7: Critical Steps In Data Backup


To some people, backing up your data may appear as a formidable challenge; which leads them to put it off indefinitely. However, the process might just be easier than you think, especially with advanced data storage media, such as the LTO 7 cartridges.

First Step – Identify The Important Data

Maybe the reason you think data backup is a demanding task is simply because you mistakenly assume that you need to store every single bit of information. In reality, not every piece of data you have is important enough for storage.

There are certain types of data that can be easily reinstalled from their original sources, in case you need to. This includes such things as computer games and certain applications. Hence, you shouldn’t waste too much space in your storage media by keeping such data.

You should be able to identify the most critical data that requires backup, based on the documents and photos you create. These are generally items you use in business operations or personal use.

However, based on certain regulatory requirements (for instance, guidelines on informed consent by the Australian National Data Service), as well as business policies, you may not have to back up certain types of information. Moreover, the policy implemented by your company may only require storage of certain critical information, which further reduces the need for unnecessarily large data backup capacity.

Second Step – Using Multiple Backups

To further reduce the risk of loss, even in data backup, it’s necessary to have multiple backup options.

Although this might seem as an unnecessary additional task, it does offer greater security for your most crucial information. You might have certain data that is crucial to the operations of your business; hence, you need greater security.

It’s wise to take advantage of different backup media, for added security. In this way, when one media experiences some form of failure, you’re not likely to have a similar experience with another media option. You might complement LTO Ultrium cartridges with hard disks and cloud storage.

Third Step – Chose the Appropriate Frequency Of Backup

Having a regular frequency of backup is just as important as having the right backup media. If the frequency of data production is high, you would need much more frequent backup; whereas, you would need lower backup frequency if you deal with much less data.

For such backup processes to match effectively with your data storage needs, your business should have clearly defined operational procedures. The processes need to be properly monitored by competent personnel, as well as evaluating the infrastructure supporting it. Just as you would have clearly defined guidelines on other critical business operations, it’s necessary to have clearly defined guidelines on data backup operations.

It should be clear what is involved in the process and who is responsible for the various activities in such processes. A proper plan should also be made in case problems arise in the backup processes. This means having good disaster management strategies if any storage infrastructure is affected (certain issues that may arise include theft or natural disasters).

By following these three simple steps, it would be possible to preserve your valuable data despite many challenges.


Source by Richard Stutchbury

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