If You Are Online You Want to Be Found


If you are working on building a presence online for yourself and your business your first goal is to ensure that you are found by those that you are trying to attract. The who you are trying to attract is your target market, and will vary depending on who your products or services are designed for.

In order to ensure that your target market finds you certain tasks need to be completed to start driving traffic to your web site or blog. Remember if there is no traffic to your home on the web then no one can purchase your products or services or join your mailing list. Part of your success is dependent on the traffic you are able to drive to your site. Here are some tasks that should be performed to start driving traffic to your site.

  1. Keep your content on your site fresh. Visitors need a reason to visit your site and providing fresh and new content is something that will keep them coming back. It is recommend that in addition to or instead of your main site you have a blog. The blog is where you can post updated content to several times a week, bringing visitors back and giving search engines a reason to visit as well.
  2. Know where your traffic is coming from. Knowing how your visitors found you is critical to success. There are several tools that you can use to help with this. One free tool that every site or blog owner should use is Google Analytics. Google Analytics will show you how your visitors found you as well as if they are new or a repeat visitor and how long they stayed on your site. There are several other tools that can be used as well to capture a lot of data about your visitors.
  3. Add items to your site that will hold your visitors attention. In getting traffic to your site you want both new and repeat traffic so it is important to have reasons for visitors to return. There are several items that you can use for this, just be sure they fit your site and what you offer. Some examples would be news feeds of top stories in your niche, daily horoscope, daily jokes, online greeting cards and many more.
  4. Use social networking tools to promote your site. Social Networking is an important component to getting the word out about your website. When you make updates to your site be sure to let your contacts on your social networking sites know. Twitter is a good tool to use for this – when you update just send out a tweet letting everyone know with a link to your site.
  5. Capture your visitors information. Since you are working on building a business and not just setting up a website for visitors to connect with you once it is important to build a relationship with your visitors. One great way to build a relationship is to provide a newsletter or freebie in exchange for your visitors to sign up for your list. Once you have visitors on your list be sure to let them know when you update your site.

There are several items that you can implement in order to be found by your target market that you can add over time. The 5 items above will give you a great start and allow you to start driving traffic and establishing your web presence quickly.


Source by Stefanie Blackburn

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