Why Network Marketing And Internet Marketing Remain Misinformed Subjects


Network marketing and Internet marketing – from what you have heard of these two business models, you would probably have only seen the negative side of it.

Popular opinions are that all network marketing schemes are scams, or that Internet marketing will not work, because there are millions of websites. These are the popular misconceptions.

But first, let me tell you why these two misconceptions are good.

It does mean that less people will be motivated to be involved in these two businesses, which is important, because after all, we Internet marketers do not want saturation in the market! If everybody is selling, nobody will be buying.

Now, why are many people basically uneducated about these two subjects? It all comes down to a simple reason. Where do people get their news from? Correct, the newspapers, television news, and sometimes the Internet. These mediums have never publicised network marketing or affiliate/Internet marketing, all they talk about is traditional business models. They are more interested in what is happening in the Integrated Resorts applications, the war in Iraq, how to fight Aids, the overview of the stock market, and all that, the first of which has influenced people to believe that job in the service industry has a promising future, and the second of which is important, but really, not much people talk about it.

What else does the media report? All the bad news about pyramid schemes, fraud, laundering. You see these everyday on the front page. Do you ever see a success story of a network marketer in the news?

So the public remain to continue being uneducated. Which is good, in a way!


Source by Fabian Tan

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