The new economy of the 21st century is being built. With the arrival of the Internet in the last 15 years, the expansion of its growth has been monumental. Not just in terms of the many countries that have been connected to the Internet but also the number of people and age group demographics that have come around and gone online.
The growth of this technology has also made it possible for computer prices to be driven down. The cost of laptops these days have gone down 60% from 5 years back with more variety such as net books and of recently, the IPAD, reasonably price at 500 dollars or around 375 euros. What are the things to come in the next few years?
– The rise of web businesses. Not just websites that offer e-commerce capabilities but government and state run offices that do accept payment online. The acceptance of business to business websites has long been established and ordering capabilities via the Internet has been steadily growing. For all businesses, this has led to better communication and logistical results as just in time ordering enables them to correctly fill the demand on products. Web related services are constantly growing. For example, local web solution companies will start increasing their presence in their area in order to establish a personal relationship with their clients. Most web solutions companies will cater to local companies. In doing so, web solutions endear themselves to their clients by being able to personally meet with them, answer any questions about the technology, and advice those businessmen on what strategies are good for them in order to maximize the internet. It is a case of old school and new school combined: using the personal touch to the best solutions for a dominant low cost communication technology.
– Internet anytime, anywhere and handy. Hand held devices will flood the market and people will be able to get information at any time and any instant. Wifi hotspots will fill the cities and perhaps for a flat rate will be available to anyone. Companies will have to cope with this new form of communication to enable their presence to be felt on such mobile devices. Perhaps the synergies of web portals and search engines with companies will evolve to something more unique, perhaps structured to your profile. Almost precognitive, these companies will try to anticipate your needs and wants and then offer a product for you to purchase, directly sent to your home. These things may happen with the present technology we have.
Source by Steven Magill